Global Warming. Wildfires. Earthquakes. Stock Market drops. Recession. SARS. Ebola. Covid-19. Global Pandemic. Massive fear.
We cannot open a news app or paper without being bombarded with bad news. What precautions should we take? Should we hide in our houses – stock up on toilet paper and Lysol? Will this kill us all?
The truth is, probably not, but we do not really know the future. What we can be sure of is the word of God, and He says to us, “Do not fear.” In fact we are told a variation of “do not fear” over 350 times in the Bible.
A very personal fear
I remember one time when I was overwhelmed by fear – stomach in knots, constant anxiety. Pregnant – after my first child had arrived four weeks early and miscarrying another. I kept looking at the developmental charts trying to figure out if he/she would survive if born early.
Granted, the doctor had not given my any reason to think there was a problem with this pregnancy. I was just looking at the past and letting my fears consume me.
I finally cried out to God, “I can’t do this anymore!” And God answered me, “Do not be afraid.” I was swept by such a feeling of peace as I decided to take God at his word and give over my fear to him.
He did not tell me that everything would be ok with my baby. He did tell me to not be afraid and to trust him.
When fear meets faith
The same is true of us today. No matter what the current state of the world we are told to “Fear not.” We are also told in Psalm 91 that we are to make God our refuge. God also tells us in Psalm 139:16 “All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.”
We do not need to be afraid. God’s got this.
The truth is, we can all be afraid at some time or another. I am presently reading Dangerous Prayers by Craig Groeschel. (Highly recommend!) One concept that has stuck out so far is the idea that our fears show us where we are not trusting God.
So what am I not trusting God with in my circumstances – health? Financial security? My children’s finances or health? When I look at my fear list I see a whole lot of things that I can’t really control – at all!
Steps for trusting God
- Clear your mind.
- Is my fear real? Philippians 4:8 tells us to think about things that are true. So is my fear based on reality or hyped up media?
- Is it today’s fear? Matthew 6:34 tells us not to worry about tomorrow since every day has its own troubles. So, is this fear based on a today problem?
- Do what you can.
- Is there something I can be doing? Galatians 6:10 reminds us to”…do good to all people…” Rather than worry, we should find something that we can be doing about the situation.
- Pray continually. Philippians 4:6-7 contains both a command and a promise:
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made know to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hears and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
Some examples
- I have lost my job because of the stay at home order.
- This is a real and today fear.
- So I can apply for unemployment, look for help from local agencies or food banks, make sure I am managing my finances the best I can.
- I can pray about everything, because God is concerned about me and the details of my life.
- I am worried that my diabetes makes me more at risk if I get COVID-19.
- This is real, but not a today fear.
- Am I managing my diabetes today, and if not – do so (I have a tendency to not manage mine, especially when at home with a fully stocked fridge).
- Take steps to avoid getting sick.
- Pray for everyone affected by the disease.
- What if the economy collapses?
- This is not a today fear, and beyond our control.
- I can manage my finances and life to the best of my ability.
- I can pray. Always.
So there it is, three steps for turning fear into trust: clear your mind, do what you can, pray always.
And these will hold true whether you are dealing with a personal fear or a worldwide pandemic. God is still in control, still loves us, and still sees us.
Good to know.
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