When I am setting my goals for the year, I also pick out a word and a scripture for the year. For 2019, my word is trust, and my verse is Philippians 4:19 “And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus” (NIV). I really feel that God laid this word on my heart, since I am so determined to figure everything out myself, and sometimes things just don’t add up. I feel He is calling me to trust him with all of my life, my relationships, my finances, everything. Even when it is scary. Even when life is not making sense or turning out the way I want it to.
So my theme for the year is to trust God for everything. When I feel anxiety over a situation rising, I can pass the worry on to him, because he cares for me. And I really have no control over much that I tend to stress about….
Within this theme I have still set up goals in several areas of my life. Some are ongoing and should be relatively easy to reach. Others will be a stretch.
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- Read the Bible in the New King James version. This is part of an ongoing goal to read the Bible through again in at least five different versions by the time I am 60.
- Be a prayer warrior. I want to pray for the countries of the world, for missions near and far, for my family and friends, and those in my circle of influence.
- Do at least four Bible studies.
- I have signed up for my first one through Proverbs 31 ministries on It’s Not Supposed to Be This Way , the new book by Lysa Terkeurst. This was a book I read this Christmas break and I can’t wait to read it again and study it.
- I will also be doing some Bible studies at my church, which will get some fellowship time in as well.
- My last is more of a challenge to myself to read deeply of several books of the Bible. I am starting January by reading Philippians multiple times. I am not giving myself a firm number, but I have finished it once already, so another 5 or 6 times is certainly reasonable.
Family & Friends
- Teach and train Talia. This is my youngest at home, and I want to be more intentional this year about the time we spend together.
- Have monthly family gatherings. We tend to do this, but I would like to increase the activities or games we do when together, rather than just hang out.
- Make regular contact with friends.
- Be actively involved in a small group.
Health – physical, mental
- Read 100 books – this should be doable since I did this last year.
- Read 13 or 14 influential books. This is part of an ongoing goal to finish my list of influential books by the time I am 70. I formed my list by combining several others. This year will put me at 31% complete.
- Read 12 more Newberys.
- Read 20 books from my “to read” list – this list is getting out of control, so I want to start whittling it down.
- Lose 40#
- Follow Trim Healthy Mama. I feel better when I follow this plan, and it helps to control my blood sugar.
- Establish habits of exercise. I will start with morning and evening yoga for stress relief and flexibility, and add in a walk over lunch. Once that is established I will see about adding more.
- Trust God to supply my emotional needs rather than relying on food.
- Work through a couple of Spanish units with Pimsleur and Rosetta Stone. I have studied Spanish before, so I am hoping I will be able to pick it up again. One of my long term goals is to become a poly-glot, so I want to get started on this. Pimsleur is something I can get from the library and work on during my commute.
Finances & Business
- Stay on budget. This is huge for me and will be a struggle, but I have a budget set up and a tracking system so I am planning for success. This is also another area of big trust needed, since our budget is lean while we are paying off debt.
- Work on debt reduction by selling stuff we don’t need.
- Blog consistently.
- Work through at least one blogging course.
So those are my four big life areas and my goals in each area. Honestly, I have more things I would like to do (like learning to crochet and traveling), but I will see about adding things if I get these priority goals worked towards.
Some of the goals are habits, like exercising, blogging, and spending time with Talia. Some goals are going to need to be broken down into smaller pieces for me to tackle. I am always excited for a new calendar and a fresh start. Here’s to my Year of Trust!
What goals have you set for yourself this year?