image of hammock

Taking care of you

My mom always tells me, “If you don’t take care of yourself, you can’t take care of anyone else.” It has taken me many years to realize that this is the best advice I ever received. Self-care needs to be a priority, not an after-thought. When I pour all my energy into everyone else, pretty […] Read more…

image of 2 girls on the first day of school

Ready to Fly

We have a colony of barn swallows living on our front porch. I watch the parents build the nest, line the nest, sit on eggs. And then feeding those mouths. Back and forth, back and forth, they fly. Always a mouth open, wanting more.  Will it ever end? Have you been there, mama? I know […] Read more…

photo of paper, back to school tips

5 Back-To-School Organizing Tips

I am not quite ready for back-to-school mode yet. Maybe because we’ve had a busy summer or haven’t done as much swimming as usual, but I am just not ready. However, regardless of my feelings, that time is here. The stores have had their tax-free shopping weekend, my teacher friends are heading back, and it […] Read more…

photo of Dad and kids on nature walk

5 Tips for Camping with Kids

Camping tips we’ve learned by doing things wrong I love camping and sharing the outdoors with our kids, just like my dad shared his love of the outdoors with me. Over the last 30 years of camping with kids and grand-kids, we have picked up a few tips, usually by doing things wrong. I grew […] Read more…

Electric pole with tangled lines

Choosing Life in Chaos

Life When I chose “Life” as my word of the year, I had visions of life-affirming choices in eating, robust mental health, and a great year. Instead my parents have had health issues, and some behavior came to light that fractured relationships in our close-knit family. Out of the blue, life became snarled and unraveled. […] Read more…

A new year, a new word

Have you ever had life just not work according to plan? That was 2017 for me. I thought we would be moving closer to my day job, selling the farm, I would have my blog be earning money, have written a book, and have my diabetes totally in hand. My word for 2017 was “Transformation […] Read more…

photo of book piles

October Overwhelm

I love October. Crisper weather (or at least it should be – Missouri is sometimes a bit fickle in this area). Hot chocolate. Falling leaves. Sweaters and hoodies. Oktoberfests, birthdays, and parties, the preparation for all the family togetherness in the last months of the year. Facing Overwhelming You know what I don’t love? Getting […] Read more…

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