I have sometimes struggled with finding a place to serve, both at church and in my community. I have been a 4-H leader, a Sunday School teacher, a choir member, a youth helper, served in the church nursery, led women’s Bible studies. But now there is a disconnect between what I have done and what I am doing.
My youngest child is not interested in 4-H, so that season has passed. I work far enough away from church that it is hard to even get to events, much less lead them. In fact, my commute makes me feel disconnected from my community. Lots of activities start before I even get home, or end past my bedtime. None of my previous places to serve seem to “fit” right now.
Have you been in that place? You want to do more, but. You are overwhelmed with little kids. Your job makes it hard to serve. Sometimes we make excuses for not serving, but sometimes we need to step back and take care of ourselves. I have been in the place of putting my needs (like sleep) behind my desire to serve my family, church, and community.
Or maybe you are the one doing more and more. And are getting burned out. I have been there too, not so long ago. I think, especially as women, we forget that there are different seasons to life. Our culture tells us we can have, and do, it all. And maybe we can. Just not all at the same time.
My search for a place to serve found rest when a few years ago I asked our youth pastor a simple question, “How can I pray for you?” That one question has led me on an expanding adventure of bringing people and their concerns to the Lord.
What started as, “It is the least I can do” has now become my area to serve. I can’t wait to get updates from people and events that I have been praying for. I get to pray for our ministers, missions and missionaries, community events and needs. My commute does not seem long or tedious anymore, because I am serving as I drive. God is redeeming that wasted time into something special and productive.
Instead of fretting about not having a place to serve, I am going to embrace that at this particular season of my life, my service is to pray. Some day, as opportunity arises, I hope to do other things again. But for now, I am enjoying my prayer time, lifting up others and their requests. This is my act of service and an act of worship as well.
Where have you found God leading you to serve?