image of sunset with text "teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom."My Dad recently celebrated his 79th birthday. His comment, “I never thought I would live this long.” This got me thinking about my own life. The average life expectancy of a woman in America is around 78 years. I am more than “middle aged”. How am I spending my life? Am I living intentionally?


Drifting is the most natural and easy way to live life. It is doing the next thing in front of you. It is taking care of the kids, going to work, cleaning the house.

Despite my best intentions, drifting is how I have lived most of my life. Stuff needs to be taken care of and I do it. Drifting is natural because it is following the flow of life. Sometimes you may dig your paddle in and really work, but you are still following the stream.

Living with intention requires more of you. And me.

Intentional Living

Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom. Psalm 90:12 NIV

We cannot live intentionally without guidance. We need to learn the art of getting out of the canoe, climbing the bank, maybe even scaling a tree. Taking this long view will let us gain perspective, wisdom, and balance.


Perspective is about the long-view of life. We need to realize that there are different seasons in life. The season of young children may not be the season for other activities. When I had three in diapers and four homeschooling there was no way for me to start a business. I can now realize that it was the wrong season for me to be trying that.

Gaining perspective enables me to realize that there is time for all the important things in my life. Just not all at once. Unfortunately, I usually try to fit everything in at once. Of course I can do that, I am Superwoman. I can homeschool, make everyone cute homemade items for Christmas, teach the Sunday School class, hold down a full-time job, etc., etc., etc.

It has taken me a long time to gain the perspective to see that I really can’t do it all, not all at once. And it is in the times of trying to do it all that I end up depressed.


If perspective is seeing that life is lived in seasons, wisdom is realizing when the time is right for different activities. It is living with God’s guidance. It is making sure your life matters for eternity. Life here on earth is short compared to eternity. How is my life counting?

I sometimes feel that I am not making the most of my opportunities, but I am trying to live in wisdom. Trying to speak kindly and really listen to those I meet everyday. Trying to live out my faith and pray for opportunities to speak with others.

Before I gained the perspective of seasons, I did not have the wisdom to look at others. I was too busy doing and had no time for being. I was ‘there’ for a few select friends, but didn’t notice the majority of people flowing through my days. As I look back and see all the missed opportunities, it makes me determined to live more intentionally from now on. To live each moment in the now, not looking to the next activity or next mission, but to truly live and be present each moment.

My youngest daughter reminds me that I don’t have the “living in the present moment” down since it takes her multiple tries to get my attention….Sigh. I am a work in progress.


While perspective is having a long-view of life and wisdom is realizing when different seasons arrive, balance is about living well in this season of life. It is easy as mothers to let the demands of a season take over our lives. Whether it is a season of young children, a season of children’s activities, or a season of starting a business it is easy to let one activity take over.

The truth is regardless of the season, we will still need to balance taking care of ourselves with the needs of others. I’ve heard it said that if there is more to do than you have time for, then you are doing more than God intended for you. I really struggle with this.

When there is more to do than I can handle, I have a really hard time just not doing it. When I know no one else is going to do it, does it really need doing? I used to answer ‘yes’ and do it myself, regardless of how tired (or resentful) I was. Now I am trying to step back and not serve as everyone’s support person. I do not have to pick up all the slack, I do not have to have an answer to everyone’s questions (hard for me as a mom and a librarian!), and I do not have to be Superwoman.

Well done

A heart of wisdom is a heart at rest in the sufficiency of God. God is the one who supplies all our needs, so that we can be all that we were meant to be in the moment we are in. God does not promise to give us strength for tomorrow’s battle. Just today’s. I am such a planner that I find this a difficult lesson – to live in the moment, to be present in all I do, while realizing that I don’t have to do it all. Am I doing all that I can to live this season? Is my life counting for eternity? Am I making the most of my opportunities?

This season of my life, I am looking at most of my children raised and on their own. I am working on my blog as a creative outlet (and hopefully an encouragement to you, my reader!). And I am looking forward to more ministry opportunities. Living with intention in my days, weeks, and years that I have left.

I want to reach the end of my life and hear, “Well done, my good and faithful servant.”


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