Year: 2018

image of planet and gas clouds

2018 Goals Not on Plan

2018 was not on plan. A major family issue tripped me up, plowed my face into the pavement, and brought on another full-on war with my depression. But you know what? God is still in control. None of this took him by surprise. And he is still faithful. Even when life is not working out. […] Read more…

image of sunset with text "teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom."

Number Our Days

My Dad recently celebrated his 79th birthday. His comment, “I never thought I would live this long.” This got me thinking about my own life. The average life expectancy of a woman in America is around 78 years. I am more than “middle aged”. How am I spending my life? Am I living intentionally? Drifting […] Read more…

Big trees with text "two campsites, an unplanned adventure"

A Tale of Two Campsites

Sometimes when you have a mostly unplanned camping trip, you also get some unexpected campsites. We had two very different, both very memorable campsites on this trip. Campsite Beautiful Since this was a trip without a plan, we did not have campsites picked out ahead of time. When we were in Kansas, we started looking […] Read more…

photo of kids running across the field

A Trip Less Planned

I am a big believer in plans, checklists, details. Things just go smoother when I have a plan (and everyone follows my plan…). But sometimes life just happens. Plans fall apart. One of our most memorable camping trips came about because life got crazy and we were forced to be spontaneous. The Plan One of […] Read more…

picture of person reaching for door knob

Back Door Friends

We were made to live life in community with people. With friends. And yet for many of us, “likes” and “shares” substitute for relationships. How do we make time for friendships? And what kind of friendships do we have? The Back Door In Wisconsin we lived in an old farmhouse. The back door opened to […] Read more…

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